C083 Latest Insights Thematic Lockup (Default)

The default example below is a single C083 component with a three item Query List on the left half and a visual navigation styled two tile block on the right.

Also available below are two additional use case examples for (1) usage within a C016 Horizontal Tab Component and (2) paired with a C033 Center Copy Component 

C083 w/ C016 Horizontal Tab

In this use case you can create several C083 Thematic Lockup Components and add them to a C016 Horizontal Tab component. In this use case the Teaser Title (or Alternate Title) in your C083 Components becomes the label for the horizontal tab  and the overall component label is the Teaser Title of the C016 Component

C083 with C033 Center Copy Component

When you would like a title with a larger character count to better introduce or describe the content in your C083 you can add a C033 component above. In this use case you will not use a Teaser Title in your C083 component as the text of the C033 servers that purpose

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