Mining Application

Tailings Pipeline, Pump & Spigot Isolation

Extend maintenance intervals and ensure environmental protection with valves engineered for high pressure and high solids tailings.
Mine Tailings

Maximize Mill Uptime With Reliable Tailings Management

Mill waste, or tailings, are abrasive and cause severe wear on piping components as they are collected and delivered to the tailings storage facility (TSF). Tailings applications often see the highest solids content slurry, and highest pipeline volume, and can have a wide range of pressures. Isolation valve performance and life span have a direct impact on mill throughput and operating costs.

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Expert Insights

Sergei Mishin
Garantire la qualità nella produzione di componenti per batterie agli...

Le vendite globali di veicoli elettrici (EV) stanno crescendo e rappresentano il 10% di tutte le nuove auto vendute nel 2022, ma report suggeriscono che le vendite di veicoli elettrici sono destinate ad aumentare fino a circa il 60% entro il 2030 per allinearsi all’obiettivo di emissioni zero entro il 2050. L’avanzamento della tecnologia delle batterie agli ioni di litio è stato fondamentale...

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Alek Duerksen
Tailings Valve Difficult Choices

Alek Duerksen’s Global Mining Review article, Making the Difficult Choices, describes the difficulties of tailing disposal and provides suggestions for choosing the proper automated isolation valves for this application.

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Sergei Mishin
Garantizar la calidad en la fabricación de componentes para baterías de...

Las ventas mundiales de vehículos eléctricos (VE) están creciendo y representaron el 10 % de todos los coches nuevos vendidos en 2022, pero los informes sugieren que las ventas de VE deben aumentar hasta aproximadamente el 60 % en 2030 para alinearse con el objetivo de cero emisiones netas para 2050. El avance de la tecnología de las baterías de iones de litio ha sido fundamental para la...

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