
Bulk Carrier

Cost-effective bulk carrier solutions - Level Gauging, Fuel Management, Integrated Control and Monitoring.

Fleet-Wide Cost-Effectiveness

A major challenge in the bulk shipping industry is the reduced demand for coal and iron - the two largest segments of total cargo transported by bulk carriers. Bulk shipping companies struggle to reduce costs in order to maintain profit and must rely heavily on cost-effective systems and solutions with low maintenance and a high fault tolerance.

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Solutions in Action

Integrated Control & Monitoring

  • Intuitive user interface for fast and easy learnings
  • Enhance safety with integrated and accurate trim, list and draft readings

The Integrated Control and Monitoring System is a cost-effective solution, modular and scalable to the specific needs of your bulk carrier. Easy add on of subsystem functionalities provides a flexible customized system with upgrade possibilities.

Read about Integrated Control & Monitoring Systems>>

Valve Control

  • Gain control of fluid flow in ballast, bilge and service tanks with valve remote control system

The Electro-Hydraulic solution is a great choice for bulk carriers, due to it’s compact design that requires a minimum of space. You will achieve a reduction in installation costs by choosing this solution as this requires no hydraulic piping. You can cost-optimize even more by choosing a BUS-option which requires less cabling, less I/O modules and smaller interface cabinets.

Read about Valve Remote Control Systems >>

Tank Level Gauging

  • Cost efficient - Low need for maintenance
  • Easy Access - Remote maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Flexibility - with a wide range of tank level gauging technologies

For measuring level in ballast and service tanks different technologies can be used, such as electro-pneumatic systems, electric pressure sensors and tank level transmitters.

Read about Tank Level Gauging Systems >>

Fuel Management

  • Manage fuel costs with fuel consumption measurements
  • Prevent theft and adulteration with certified bunker measurements.
  • Easy and effective fuel switching process for ECA compliance.

To increase the cost-effectiveness of your fleet, a combination of fuel management systems and ship-to-shore communication is essential. This provides a complete fleet-wide overview, vital in making the best economic decisions for your business.

Read about Fuel Management Systems >>

Alarm Monitoring

  • Advanced alarm filtering and distribution, enabling alarm indications at the right locations and in relevant situations
  • Integrated audiovisual annunciations benefitting all on board – from captain to on duty engineers

The Alarm Monitoring System is flexible and can be set up to enable alarm indications at given locations, such as on workstations, alarm panels in accommodation or public areas to ensure the correct visualization.

Read about Alarm Monitoring Systems >>​​​​​​​

Auxiliary Measurement

  • Integrate and interface to numerous different transmitters and subsystems to broaden the operational overview.
  • Customize the range for the specific requirements of your vessel.

Various auxiliary measurements and sub-systems can be interfaced and built into the Integrated Control and Monitoring System. This will give your operators advantageous opportunity to plan, monitor and react to disruptions that interfer with operations.

Read about Auxiliary Measurement Systems >>

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