Fired Heaters

Fired Heaters

Reduce fuel costs without shortening the operating life of your fired heaters.

Optimize Furnace Efficiency with Reliable, Real-Time Data

Ensuring the efficient and safe performance of your fired heaters can be challenging and worker safety, fuel costs, asset health issues, and potential emissions are always a concern. Using Emerson’s heater optimization solution which combines advanced process control, best-in-class instrumentation, predictive diagnostics, and safety systems, you’ll realize energy savings and the operational stability needed to safely increase your heater’s performance.

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Emerson Experts Blog

How automation is helping refiners achieve greater operational flexibility

Wireless sensors, deep analytics, and online expertise allow for real-time decision making that capitalizes on fast changing market conditions.

Optimizing your blending operation with integrated control

Refiners are using integrated, in-line blending systems to minimize giveaway and meet blend requirements with more flexibility.

A unique approach to capitalizing on opportunity crudes

Online component analysis allows for advanced blend optimization strategies that get more value out of a wider range of crudes.
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