
Services de gestion du cycle de vie pour DeltaV - Développement de plan de réponse aux incidents de cybersécurité sur site

Product Description

L’équipe du programme de réponse aux incidents du site d’Emerson possède une expertise approfondie en matière de planification d’urgence pour vous aider à élaborer un plan de réponse aux incidents qui soit acceptable. De l’entretien initial de lancement à l’adoption du plan, nous vous donnerons confiance et veillerons à ce que vous soyez prêt à relever tout défi en matière de cybersécurité.

Informations sur les services

Emerson’s proven IRP development methodology is thorough, relevant, modular and adaptable. An IRP touches many groups in your organization: security, IT, operations (OT), legal, human resources, and compliance, among others. Our thorough planning approach is more effective because it is cross-functional and inclusive of all stakeholders. We assure your plan is relevant to your organization because we create a custom plan for each client. Our plan methodology consists of a modular framework, allowing you to choose which components are included.

Be prepared for any cybersecurity challenge: A clearly defined and in-place cybersecurity IRP will help you through those initial, tense moments with guidelines on what to do first when you suspect a cybersecurity breach or malware infection. The IRP’s documented procedures will guide you through the steps to identify, contain and recover from the attack.

Collaborative development delivers a tailored and supportable IR DeltaV plan: We combine the skills and experience of our IR and DeltaV specialists with your site’s IR team to develop, implement and exercise your specific site IRP.

Easy to follow and update IR handbook: An IR handbook allows you to maintain and keep current the policies and procedures as your system and support team changes. This ensures that you are prepared for any cybersecurity challenge and will ultimately save you time and money during an incident.
