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Flexim-FLUXUS G532 ST-LT For Steam Applications

Flexim FLUXUS G532 ST-LT for Steam Applications

Product Description

The Flexim FLUXUS G532 ST-LT is a tailor-made solution for all typical applications for saturated steam up to a temperature of 180 °C (356 °F), measuring the volume and mass flow of steam from outside the pipe in a non-intrusive manner. For users, this offers important advantages when considering the total cost of operating a measuring point. Installation is simple, with no cutting or welding work on the pipeline. No downtime is necessary - the system remains fully available for current production, without any production losses. The transit time difference principle already works at 0.01 m/s (0.03 ft/s) and does not need any reduction to the diameter of the pipe to artificially increase the flow velocity. This means there is no loss of pressure, and accordingly no loss of energy.

Fluid Type
Saturated and superheated steam
Measurement uncertainty of the measuring system (volumetric flow rate): ±0.3 of reading ±0.005 m/s ( ±0.02 ft/s)
Measurement uncertainty at the measuring point (volumetric flow rate):: ±1 to 3 % of reading ±0.005 m/s (±0.02 ft/s)
0.15 % of reading ±0,005 m/s (±0.02 ft/s)
Flow channels
Flow Velocity Range: 0.01…60 m/s (0.03 to 197 ft/s) depending on the pipe diameter and sensor
Ordloc (FM)
Power supply
  • 90 to 250 VAC / 50 to 60 Hz
  • 11 to 32 VDC
  • Pipe size
    23…400mm (0,91..15,7inch)
    Pressure range
    3…10 barg (44 to 145 psig)
    Temperature range (media)
    135 to 180 °C (275...356 °F)
    4-20mA active/passive according to NAMUR NE43
    Communication protocol
  • Modbus RTU
  • BACnet MS/TP
  • HART®
  • Modbus TCP
  • M-Bus
  • BACnet IP
  • USB
  • LAN
  • System configuration and installation
    For more detailed Information please download the Technical Specifications


    • Non-intrusive steam measurement up to 180 °C (356 °F).
    • Installation, commissioning and maintenance without process interruption.
    • Installation any time - no waiting for planned downtime and revisions.
    • Extremely high measuring dynamics - no need to reduce pipe diameters.
    • No flow range limitations - 0.01 to 60 m/s (0.03 to 197 ft/s).
    • Zero loss of pressure - zero loss of energy.
    • Bi-directional measurement.
    • Integrated mass flow measuring through the saturated steam curve and online measuring of temperature.
    • Advanced Meter Verification.

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