Rosemount 8721 Hygienic Magnetic Flow Meter Consisting of 8721005 Sensor and M-8712E Transmitter
Rosemount 8721 Hygienic Magnetic Flow Meter Consisting of 8721005 Sensor and M-8712E Transmitter
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Up to ±0.15% of volumetric flow rate accuracy over 13:1 flow turndowns, ±0.25% over 40:1 flow turndown.
In Situ Meter Verification, Grounding & Wiring Fault Detection, High Process Noise Detection, Tunable Empty Pipe Detection, Transmitter Fault Detection, Sensor Fault Detection
All Rosemount manufactured Sensors: 8705, 8711, 8721, 8707 Universal capabilities allow E-Series transmitters to be compatible with AC and DC powered sensors from other manufacturers.
Power Supply
90-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz or 12-42 VDC.
Power consumption
15 W maximum - DC 40 VA maximum - AC
Enclosure Rating
8712E: Type 4x, IP66
Rosemount 8721005 Hygienic Magnetic Flow Meter Sensor, 0.5 Inch (DN15)
Lightweight, compact stainless steel design makes installation easy
Rely on FDA-approved materials including 3-A finish certified by EHEDG for use in Grade A milk
Fully-welded meter body design allow for safety in hygienic applications
Sensor is CIP/SIP cleanable and the sensor I.D. matches the process piping to eliminate hard-to-clean step changes
Satisfy virtually any requirement with a variety of available sanitary process connections
Better facilitate inspection and maintenance with easily accessed process gaskets
Cut costs and improve efficiency with an obstructionless design featuring no moving parts to maintain or repair
Rosemount™ 8712EM Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter
Intuitive Local Operator Interface with dedicated keys for ease of use
Maximize uptime with Smart Meter Verification which monitors meter health and performance without stopping the process
Optimize control in noisy applications with High Process Noise diagnostic and Selectable Coil Drive Frequency options
Tunable Empty Pipe diagnostic minimizes issues and false readings when the pipe is empty
Quickly verify installation integrity with Ground and Wiring Fault Detection diagnostic
Universal transmitter capabilities enable reduced inventory and consistent interface for any magnetic flow meter sensor