Rosemount-CT2211 Aerosol Microleak Detection System

Rosemount™ CT2211 Aerosol Microleak Detection System

Product Description

The Rosemount CT2211 Aerosol Microleak Detection System is an automated, inline leak tester that uses Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) technology to detect and reject leaking aerosol cans in real time without disrupting the production line. Certified for use as a water bath alternative, the Rosemount CT2211 improves productivity and efficiency by providing 100% aerosol can leak testing at speeds of up to 600 cans per minute. The system is fully compliant with industry regulations and standards, including UN, ADR, DOT, FEA and BAMA and provides highly selective and sensitive detection of a wide variety of propellants regardless of can size, shape or materials.


Detected Gas
Propane, Butane, LPG, N2O, CO2, DME, R1234ze, R134a, R227 and others upon request
  • Post water bath: 8 x 10-3 mBar l/s-1
  • Water bath alternative: 2 x 10-3mBar l/s-1
  • Laser Classification
    Class 1
    Propellants in food, medical, household, personal care, automotive and industrial products
  • Class 1 Division 2: Groups A, B, C, D, T6 (Tamb +10 to +40 °C)
  • ATEX hazardous area classification: Ex II 3G Ex nR II T6 (10 °C ≤ Tamb ≤ 40 °C)
  • Enclosure Rating
  • Low Speed Console (unmounted): 38 cm H x 61 cm W x 22 cm D (15 in. H x 24 in. W x 9 in. D)
  • Single Propellant Sensor: 182 cm H x 33 cm W x 33 cm D (72 in. H x 13 in. W x 13 in. D)
  • Enclosure: 272 cm H x 54 cm W x 182 cm D (107 in. H x 21 in. W x 72 in. D)
  • High Speed Console: 120 cm H x 60 cm W x 50 cm D (47 in. H x 24 in. W x 22 in. D)
  • Multi-Propellant Sensor: 60 cm H x 33 cm W x 33 cm D (24 in. H x 13 in. W x 13 in. D)
  • Weight
    • Console: Up to 70 kg (154 lbs.)
    • Sensor: Up to 20 kg (44 lbs.)
    Line Space Required
    1.8 m (71 in.) straight free line (maximum)


    • Improve productivity with fully automated, inline monitoring and detection of aerosol can leaks in real-time without stopping the production line
    • Ensure quality and prevent product recalls with 100 % inspection of each individual can, instant response time and removal of only non-conforming product
    • Avoid a production bottleneck with high-speed operation and highly sensitive detection of a wide range of propellants at up to 600 cans per minute
    • Ensure regulatory compliance with a system certified for use as an alternative to water bath test
    • No calibration requirements or moving parts simplifies maintenance
    • Shift from reactive to proactive maintenance practices with continuous health diagnostics
    • Intuitive local operator interface and pre-built analytics provide actionable insights and visibility into batch quantities and rejection rates to optimize process control
    • ATEX zone 2 and Class 1 Division 2 certified for use in hazardous environments and with explosive gases

    Documents & Drawings