Rosemount 8705 Flanged Magnetic Flow Meter Consisting of 8705120 Sensor and 8712E Transmitter
Rosemount 8705 Flanged Magnetic Flow Meter Consisting of 8705120 Sensor and 8712E Transmitter
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Rosemount 8705120 Flanged Magnetic Flow Meter Sensor, 12 Inch (DN300)
Up to 0.15% of volumetric flow rate accuracy over 13:1 flow turndowns, 0.25% over 40:1 flow turndown
Line Sizes
½-36 inch (15-900 mm)
Liner Materials
PTFE, ETFE, PFA, Polyurethane, Neoprene, Linatex Natural Rubber, Consult factory for additional material options
Electrode Materials
ASME B16.5 Class 150-2500DIN PN 10-40AS 2129 Table D and EAWWA C207 Table 3 Class D (30-36 inch only)
Rosemount™ 8712EM Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter
Up to ±0.15% of volumetric flow rate accuracy over 13:1 flow turndowns, ±0.25% over 40:1 flow turndown.
In Situ Meter Verification, Grounding & Wiring Fault Detection, High Process Noise Detection, Tunable Empty Pipe Detection, Transmitter Fault Detection, Sensor Fault Detection
All Rosemount manufactured Sensors: 8705, 8711, 8721, 8707 Universal capabilities allow E-Series transmitters to be compatible with AC and DC powered sensors from other manufacturers.
Power Supply
90-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz or 12-42 VDC.
Power consumption
15 W maximum - DC 40 VA maximum - AC
Enclosure Rating
8712E: Type 4x, IP66
Rosemount 8705120 Flanged Magnetic Flow Meter Sensor, 12 Inch (DN300)
For maximum protection, a fully welded sensor housing provides a hermetic seal
Avoid process shutdown with a removable and replaceable terminal block that enables repairs in the field
Capture any potential process fluid leakage with optional secondary containment compartments to surround electrodes
Ensure reliability in the harshest environments with an all-welded sensor housing
Guard against installation damage and leading-edge wear with an optional lining protector
Minimize maintenance and repair with an obstructionless design featuring no moving parts
Rosemount™ 8712EM Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter
Intuitive Local Operator Interface with dedicated keys for ease of use
Maximize uptime with Smart Meter Verification which monitors meter health and performance without stopping the process
Optimize control in noisy applications with High Process Noise diagnostic and Selectable Coil Drive Frequency options
Tunable Empty Pipe diagnostic minimizes issues and false readings when the pipe is empty
Quickly verify installation integrity with Ground and Wiring Fault Detection diagnostic
Universal transmitter capabilities enable reduced inventory and consistent interface for any magnetic flow meter sensor
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