Our rugged PROFINET-distributed I/O is hot-swappable, modular and high density without cabinets or costly wiring.

On-Machine Distributed I/O

Emerson’s on-machine distributed I/O offers high-density durability and bolt-on ease of use, without cabinets or increased wiring costs.

Cabinet-free, Distributed I/O for Tough Conditions

Distributed I/O on production lines or work cells saves you money on wiring and installation. But those benefits are often lost on the cost and space of cabinets and specialized wiring. Our PROFINET-distributed I/O has the ruggedness of a standard system, but with flexible wiring options and without cabinet requirements. Because it’s IP67-rated, simply bolt directly to the equipment and you’re good to go. High-density, modular design and hot-swappable capabilities save you time, money and space.

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