Streamline operations and conduct remote, real-time operations securely and easily with HART Pass-through

HART Pass-Through

A complete flexible solution that simplifies maintenance in a challenging environment.

Fully scalable performance engine

HART pass-through communications on PACSystems RX3i control platform provides simpler, more secure remote communications with HART devices via the industrial internet. Incorporate HART communications into the control layer of the architecture, to conduct remote, real-time optimization, troubleshooting and diagnostic testing without the need for intermediary devices such as handhelds and multiplexers – streamlining operations, improving decision-making and reducing maintenance costs.

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HART Pass-through at controller level allows you to manage operational issues remotely, without extra equipment.
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A Complete Portfolio of Possibilities

The addition of HART pass-through capability to the Emerson PACSystems RX3i family makes it possible to get integrated device management solutions from one single trusted source. Combine the RX3i with flow meters, pressure and temperature meters, valve actuators and controllers, and other HART-enabled Emerson devices and instruments for a fully-integrated asset management solution. And because it’s integrated into the PLC system over a monitored communications network, it’s more secure.

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