Biomass Boiler Control System

Biomass Boiler Control System

Ovation biomass boiler control systems support fewer outages, extended maintenance cycles, and meet emissions targets.

Control Solutions for More Efficient and Reliable Plant Operation

The operation, and maintenance of biomass plants is not without challenges, and require control solutions that improve availability and meet emissions targets. 

Our Ovation™ control system has been successfully applied on a variety of biomass installations ranging from coal firing to dedicated plants.  Our philosophy of integrating a high level of process automation ensures consistent operation and may result in fewer outages, extended maintenance cycles, and targeted emissions.

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Biomass Plant Control
Control the Fuel that Feeds the Fire

Control the Fuel that Feeds the Fire

Coordinated control of boiler and turbine operations through the Ovation system contributes to improved unit stability, responsiveness, and thermal efficiencies; tighter overall control of plant operations; and a more streamlined view of key plant parameters.

Important information from remote controllers is made readily available to the Ovation control system and desktops of supervisors and managers throughout your organization - enabling them to make faster, more effective operating decisions.

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News & Articles

Emerson Helping Albioma Become a Fully Renewable Energy Provider

Emerson Helping Albioma Become a Fully Renewable Energy Provider

Emerson Launches the Ovation Green Software Portfolio for Renewable Power

Emerson Launches the Ovation Green Software Portfolio for Renewable Power
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