Our History
Today's success and breakthroughs are built on a remarkable history of innovation
Our award-winning products like Emerson and Sensi thermostats aren’t just built on solid engineering and cutting-edge technology. They’re built on White-Rodgers’ unmatched 80-year history of setting HVACR milestones.
Research and development efforts lead to the production of the first White-Rodgers programmable thermostat.
White Rodgers’ hot surface ignition furnace control module is the industry’s first micro-computer-based ignition control.
White-Rodgers introduces an improved, easy-to-use programmable thermostat and the first nitride ignition controls.
Products like the NXT thermal expansion valve for R-410A systems continue to set the pace with environmentally friendly equipment.
Our journey to becoming the industry standard for innovation was a long one. And it’s produced a lot of award-winning products, from Emerson and Sensi thermostats to Emerson flow controls and valves to White-Rodgers heating and appliance components. But this journey is far from over. And our commitment to finding better solutions is stronger than ever. Because while our yesterday was impressive, it’s nothing compared to what we have in store for tomorrow.