Rosemount-USM341224 Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter-24 Inch

Rosemount™ USM341224 Junior Sonic Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Product Description

Ideal for natural gas non-custody transfer applications such as check metering, pipeline balance, storage measurement, production, or wet gas applications. It utilizes Mark III electronics and features a two-path design for measurement redundancy.


±0.2% of reading with calibration (±1.5% of actual flow volume without calibration)
±0.1% of reading for 5 to 100 fps (1.5 to 30.5 m/s)
Rated up to 100 fps (30 m/s) with over-range performance exceeding 125 fps (38 m/s) on some sizes
Operating Temperature Range
T-21 Transducers: -20°C to +100°C (-4°F to +212°F)
Electronics: -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F
Operating Pressure Range
1,034 to 27,579 kPag (150 to 4,000 psig)
Carbon steel and stainless steel


  • Virtually eliminate incremental pressure drop and reduce energy costs with the meter’s full-bore design
  • Improve maintenance practices and lower costs with no internal moving parts
  • Detect flow disturbances in real time with ultra-fast Rosemount 3410 Series Electronics to minimize uncertainty
  • Monitor flow analysis and receive an intuitive view of meter health with integrated MeterLink™ Software
  • Enhance performance in harsh conditions long term with rugged Rosemount T-21 Transducers
    Field-replaceable transformer module simplifies maintenance and maximizes uptime
  • Reduce manual errors with automatic calculations of AGA 8 Compressibility and AGA 10 Speed of Sound
  • Increase I/O with new Type 4 CPU Module with up to six frequency or digital outputs

Documents & Drawings